(Euler’s method / Leapfrog method / Accuracy of numerical methods)
In this section, the three
interesting points are Euler’s method, Leapfrog method, and the accuracy of numerical
methods in calculating positions and velocities of an object.
1. Euler’s method:
“… we would find the motion only rather crudely
because ϵ = 0.100 sec is rather crude, and we would have to go to a very small
interval, say ϵ = 0.01 (Feynman et al.,
1963, section 9–6 Numerical solution of the
Feynman chooses
a time interval of 0.100 sec (step size, ϵ) and sets the initial position of an object as x(0) =
1.00. To calculate x(0.1), he adds the position x(0) by the velocity (which is zero)
times 0.100 sec. The equations are x(t+ϵ) = x(t) + ϵvx(t)
and vx(t+ϵ)
= vx(t) + ϵax(t) = vx(t) − ϵx(t). This numerical method may be rewritten as yn+1 = yn + h ´ y’(yn,
tn) and it is also
known as Euler’s forward method (Zwillinger,
2014). In other words, this is an explicit method because yn+1
is explicitly known in terms of yn and y’(yn, tn).
Although it is easy to implement the method, it has a problem of numerical stability
depending on the step size chosen. Alternatively, Euler’s backward method is
based on yn+1 = yn + h ´ y’(yn+1,
tn+1) in
which y’(yn+1, tn+1)
is not known; this implicit method
needs more computations, but it is relatively more stable.
Euler’s method uses the tangent line to the function at the beginning of
the interval as an estimate of the slope of the function over the interval.
This method can be
derived by Taylor’s theorem, but it is sometimes criticized because it is not
usually accurate for use in common applications (Burden
& Faires, 2011). Essentially,
the errors of this numerical method are dependent on
the step size or time interval in the example provided. Thus, Feynman
suggests using a very small interval, say ϵ = 0.010 sec, if the motion calculated is rather
inaccurate. However, even when very
small step sizes are used, errors are being accumulated over a large number of
steps and the estimated value will likely diverge from the actual value.
2. Leapfrog method:
“Similarly, the
velocity at this halfway point is the velocity at a time ϵ before (which is in the middle of the previous
interval) plus ϵ times the
acceleration at the time t (Feynman et al.,
1963, section 9–6 Numerical solution of the
Feynman explains that we should use
the acceleration halfway between two “times” (t−ϵ/2, t+ϵ/2) to deduce the velocity at
a later time (t+ϵ/2). Similarly, the position later x(t+ϵ) is equal to the position before x(t) plus ϵ times the velocity at the time in the middle of the
interval (t+ϵ/2). Mathematically, we can
express the equations as x(t+ϵ) = x(t)
+ ϵv(t+ϵ/2) and v(t+ϵ/2) = v(t−ϵ/2)
+ ϵa(t). Simply phrased, this is a mid-point method that uses the speed between the “now” speed and the “then” speed at the end of an
interval. The midpoint method is
better because it approximates an integral by using the integrand at the
midpoint (instead of “initial” position or “final” position). By using the
midpoint between two successive points, there is a slight improvement in the accuracy
of the numerical analysis.
The midpoint
method is sometimes known as Leapfrog
method. Leapfrog method is a second order method that is more accurate than
Euler’s method, which is only first order. The order of accuracy of a numerical method indicates how errors
decrease in the limit as the step size tends to zero. A method with an order of
accuracy n and is known as a n-th order accurate method if there
exists a C > 0 such that the error
is less than Chn in which h is the step size. Another important feature of Leapfrog
method is that it preserves the amplitude of the simple harmonic motion within
computation errors (round-off and truncation). This method is useful because it
is relatively simple and has better numerical stability than Euler’s method.
3. Accuracy of numerical methods:
“The agreement
is within the three significant figure accuracy of our calculation (Feynman et al.,
1963, section 9–6 Numerical solution of the
By using a
numerical method, it shows that an object starts from rest, first picks up a
little upward (negative) velocity and it loses some of its distance. Notably, the
agreement of this simulation with the exact mathematical solution of the
equation of motion, x = cos t, is within the three significant
figure accuracy. This is an impressive illustration of the power of Leapfrog
numerical method because it involves simple calculations and gives relatively accurate
results. We can simply use a spreadsheet (e.g., Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel)
to simulate the motion of the object. A graph of simple harmonic motion of an
object can be plotted almost instantly.
Currently, physics teachers may teach Runge–Kutta methods, which are a family
of implicit and explicit iterative methods. In 1895, Carl Runge published a numerical method that is
more elaborate than Euler’s method and is capable of greater accuracy. Runge’s
idea was to develop approximate solutions based on improved formulas by using the
midpoint and trapezoidal rules. In
1901, Martin Wilhelm Kutta published a paper that contains the famous
Runge-Kutta methodology for solving ordinary differential equations. In general, Runge-Kutta
method of order four requires four evaluations per step, whereas Euler’s method
requires one evaluation.
Questions for discussion:
1. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of Euler’s method?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Leapfrog method?
3. How would you compare the accuracy of Euler’s method and Leapfrog
method in simulating simple harmonic motion of an object?
The moral of the lesson: we can use Leapfrog (midpoint) method to illustrate the
power of numerical analysis that simple calculations can give accurate results.
1. Burden, R. L. & Faires, J. D. (2011). Numerical Analysis, 9th ed. Boston: Brooks/Cole.
2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
3. Zwillinger, D. (2014). Handbook
of Differential Equations. Orlando: Academic Press.