(Real distance / Apparent length / Experimental verification)
In this section, Feynman briefly
discusses the real distance, apparent length, and experimental verification of
Lorentz contraction.
1. Lorentz’s suggestion:
“… Moe is using a foreshortened ruler, so the “real” distance measured is x′√(1−u2/c2)
meters (Feynman et al., 1963, section 15–5 The Lorentz contraction).”
Lorentz’s first equation is based on his suggestion of contraction along
the x-direction. (Feynman mentions
that the real distance measured is x′√(1−u2/c2) meters without explaining the meaning of real.) Interestingly, Lorentz explains that length contraction is a
dynamical effect that is related to molecular forces. In Lorentz’s (1927) words,
“I should like to
emphasize the
fact that
the variations of
length caused by
a translation (i.e.,
a change of place or motion) are real phenomena, no less than, for instance, the variations that
are produced by
changes of temperature (p. 95).” Feynman could have clarified the length contraction
is a kinematical effect (a problem of simultaneity) instead of simply mentioned real distance.
Varićak (1911) distinguished Lorentz’s view of length contraction as an
objective occurrence that is in contrast to Einstein’s subjective phenomenon (Miller, 1981, p. 236). Einstein (1911)
disagreed with Varićak’s interpretation and clarified that “[t]he author
unjustifiably stated a difference of Lorentz’s view and that of mine concerning
the physical facts. The question as to whether length contraction really
exists or not is misleading. It doesn’t ‘really’ exist, in so far as it
doesn’t exist for a comoving observer; though it ‘really’ exists, i.e. in
such a way that it could be demonstrated in principle by physical means by a
non-comoving observer.” Physics teachers could explain that the effective length
of a ruler is really shorter due to a “synchronization error”
(the front end and rear end of the ruler are located at different times).
2. Apparent
“So, in order
for the experiment to give a null result, the longitudinal arm BE must appear
shorter, by the square root √1−u2/c2 (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 15–5
The Lorentz contraction).”
The Michelson-Morley
experiment’s null results can be related to the longitudinal arm BE that must appear shorter by the
square root √(1−u2/c2). Importantly, Feynman
asks for the meaning of the contraction in terms of measurements made by Joe
and Moe. His answer is based on Joe’s frame of reference (S system): Moe is using a foreshortened ruler such that the real distance measured is x′√(1−u2/c2)
meters. However, there could be a clarification of whether
the length contraction is related to an optical effect or dependent on the time
the light beam needs to reach an observer’s eye. Better still, the length
contraction can be explained as a rotation in space-time and it can be visualized
with the help of a Minkowski’s space-time diagram.
Feynman’s phrase
“appear shorter” may cause confusion in understanding length contraction. For example, Penrose (1959)
proves that a sphere appears to have a circular outline by all observers that
have a different relative velocity. In addition, Terrell (1959) shows that a meter ruler moving in high speed will appear to have undergone a rotation instead of contraction. This visual
phenomenon is commonly known as Penrose-Terrell effect (or Lampa effect) due to
the finite speed of light. In essence,
a snapshot of a fast-moving ruler would appear rotated if we take into account the
location of an observer and the distance between the different parts of the moving
ruler to an observer. One may prefer to use the phrase “really shorter” and
explain the meaning of real instead
of “appear shorter.”
3. Experimental
“In the
Michelson-Morley experiment, we now appreciate that the transverse arm
BC cannot change length, by the principle of relativity; yet the null result of
the experiment demands that the times must be equal (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 15–5
The Lorentz contraction).”
discusses the length contraction using the null results of Michelson-Morley
experiment and the principle of relativity. Although the null results of Michelson-Morley
experiment can be explained by the theory of special relativity, the length
contraction phenomenon is not directly observable. In general, a direct length
measurement refers to the proper length of a stationary object that is directly
measured by an observer in one’s own frame of reference. Besides, it is
difficult to accelerate a macroscopic object such that its length can be
directly observable; it is also challenging to observe the length of a sub-microscopic
particle that is considerably small. Thus,
one may prefer to say that the Michelson-Morley experiment supports the theory
of special relativity instead of validates it.
Some physicists may feel disappointed that
Feynman did not discuss the barn-and-pole paradox (or ladder paradox) in this
section. However, Feynman also explains that the effect of length contraction
in Volume II. In Feynman’s words, “the charge q
on a particle is an invariant scalar quantity, independent of the frame of
reference. That means that in any frame the charge density of a distribution of
electrons is just proportional to the number of electrons per unit volume. We
need only worry about the fact that the volume can change because of the
relativistic contraction of distances… (Feynman
et al., 1964, section 13–6 The relativity of
magnetic and electric fields).” In a sense, this
is possibly the closest we can have in directly confirming the so-called effect
of length contraction (Rindler, 2006).
Questions for discussion:
1. Is length
contraction a dynamical effect or kinematical effect?
2. Is the measured length of a moving
ruler really shorter or apparently shorter (or an optical effect)?
3. Is the length contraction directly verifiable by the Michelson-Morley experiment?
The moral of the lesson: the length contraction is a kinematical effect
due to a problem of simultaneity (the front end and rear end
of a moving ruler are located at different times).
1. Einstein, A. (1911). Zum Ehrenfestschen Paradoxon. Eine Bemerkung zu V.
Variĉaks Aufsatz. Physikalische Zeitschrift, 12, 509–510.
2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., &
Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
3. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R.
B., & Sands, M. (1964). The
Feynman Lectures on Physics,
Vol II: Mainly electromagnetism and matter. Reading, MA:
4. Lorentz, H. A. (1927). Problems of Modern Physics. Boston: Ginn.
5. Miller, A. I. (1981). Albert
Einstein's special theory of relativity. Emergence (1905) and early
interpretation (1905–1911). Reading: Addison–Wesley.
6. Penrose, R. (1959). The apparent
shape of a relativistically moving sphere. Mathematical Proceedings of the
Cambridge Philosophical Society,
55(1), 137–139.
7. Rindler, W. (2003). Relativity: special, general,
and cosmological. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
8. Terrell, J. (1959).
Invisibility of the Lorentz contraction. Physical
Review, 116(4), 1041–1045.