(Angular momentum of a particle / Three
formulas / Angular momentum of a planet)
In this section, Feynman
discusses the angular momentum of a particle, three
formulas of angular momentum, and the angular momentum of a planet. This section could be
titled as “angular momentum of a particle,” whereas the next section could be titled
as “angular momentum of a system of particles” instead of “conservation of
angular momentum.” (Feynman has also discussed the conservation of angular
momentum in this section.)
1. Angular momentum of a particle:
“First, of course, we should consider just one particle. In Fig. 18–3 is one particle of mass m, and an
axis O; the particle is not necessarily rotating in a circle about O… (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 18–3
Angular momentum).”
Feynman starts with a simple example: a particle of mass m may move
elliptically like a planet going around the sun (an axis O) or in some other curve. The moving particle is under the
influence of forces, and it accelerates in accordance with the formula of F = ma,
for example, the x-component of force is the mass times the x-component
of acceleration. On the other hand, it may not seem natural to derive the
formula of angular momentum using τ = xFy − yFx = xm(d2y/dt2) − ym(d2x/dt2). One may explain that the formula of angular
momentum, L = r × p, is
merely a definition. Alternatively, we can derive this formula of angular
momentum by taking a cross product of r
with Newton’s second law of motion such that r × F = τ = r × dp/dt and then deduce that L = r × p if there is no torque (τ = 0).
In chapter 20,
Feynman explains that the angular momentum vector for a particle is equal to
the cross product of a displacement vector and the linear momentum vector: L = r × p. Curiously, the
direction of angular momentum does not seem intuitive to students or physicists.
In a textbook on mechanics, Kleppner & Kolenkow (1973) write that “probably the strangest
aspect of angular momentum is its direction. The vectors r and p
determine a plane (sometimes known as the plane of motion), and by the
properties of the cross product, L is perpendicular to this plane. There
is nothing particularly ‘natural’ about the definition of angular momentum (p.
233).” More important, this formula of angular momentum is useful for
physicists in daily life applications.
2. Three
“So we have
three formulas for angular momentum, just as we have three formulas for the
torque: L = xpy−ypx = r.ptang
= p.lever arm (Feynman et al., 1963, section 18–3 Angular momentum).”
Feynman mentions that the second form of the equation L = xm(dy/dt) − ym(dx/dt) = xpy−ypx is relativistically valid. Subsequently, he says that we
have three formulas for angular momentum, just as we have three formulas for
the torque: L = xpy − ypx = r ´ ptang = p
´ lever arm. Thus, there are four formulas of angular momentum within
this page. In general, angular momentum may also be written as L
= r mv
sin q. In the case of L = r ´ ptang, it may be expressed as L = r (mv sin q) = rmv^ where v^ = v sin q is the tangential component of the motion and mv^ is the tangential momentum (ptang). We can also express the angular momentum as L = (r sin q) mv, or L = r^ mv, where r^ = r sin q is the effective length of the moment arm, or
simply lever arm.
In chapter 19,
there are more formulas of angular momentum. Interestingly, Feynman clarifies
that the present discussion is nonrelativistic, but the second form for L (xpy−ypx) is relativistically correct. Although the first form of angular
momentum, L = xm(dy/dt) − ym(dx/dt),
is not relativistically correct, he revises it to a possibly correct form without defining the px and py. To be relativistically correct, we can include the Lorentz factor in
the first form of angular momentum such that it becomes L = xmg(dy/dt) − ymg(dx/dt). Furthermore, physics teachers should emphasize
that the angular momentum of a particle depends upon the position of the axis
about which it is to be calculated.
3. Angular
momentum of a planet:
“But there is no
tangential force, so there is no torque about an axis at the sun! Therefore,
the angular momentum of the planet going around the sun must remain constant (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 18–3
Angular momentum).”
mentions that the angular momentum of a planet depends on where we select the
axis of rotation, and there is no torque about an axis at the sun. Therefore,
the angular momentum of the planet around the sun must remain constant because
the torque is zero for a central force. It also means that the tangential
component of velocity, times the mass, times the radius, will be constant. One
may prefer Feynman to represent the area swept out by the radius vector in a short
period of time as dA = r(r dθ)/2 in which r dθ is the base of the thin
triangle. Using the angular momentum formula, L = mr2 dθ/dt, we can express dA/dt
= (r2/2)(dθ/dt) = L/2m and deduces that
angular momentum is constant for a central force.
concludes that Kepler’s second law (or law of equal areas in equal times) is
equivalent to the statement of the law of conservation of angular momentum when
there is no torque produced by the central force. He shows that if we consider
a short period of time Δt, a planet can move from P to Q
(Fig. 18–3) and sweep through the area OPQ (by
disregarding the relatively smaller area QQ′P). Mathematically,
it is about half the base PQ (= r dθ) times the height, OR (=
r), that is, dA = r(r dθ)/2. This means that dA/dt = ½ (r) d(rθ)/dt = ½ (lever
arm) (velocity) in which d(rθ)/dt is the velocity of the planet
and r is equal to the lever arm.
In essence, the rate of change of area as swept by the planet
is proportional to its angular momentum that is constant.
Questions for discussion:
1. How would you
define the angular momentum of a particle?
2. How would you explain the three formulas of angular momentum?
3. Does the angular momentum of a planet depend on the axis of rotation selected?
The moral of the
lesson: the angular momentum of a particle is equal to the
magnitude of the tangential momentum times the length of the lever arm and it
depends upon the position of the axis about which it is to be calculated.
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
2. Kleppner, D., & Kolenkow, R. (1973). An
Introduction to Mechanics. Singapore: McGraw-Hill.