(Lateral magnification / Longitudinal magnification / Angular magnification)
In this
section, we can find mathematical expressions that are related to lateral magnification, longitudinal magnification, and angular magnification.
1. Lateral
“Equation (27.15) is the
famous lens formula; in it is everything we need to know about lenses: It tells
us the magnification, y′/y, in terms of the distances and the focal lengths
(Feynman et al., 1963, section 27–4 Magnification).”
Feynman defines the
magnification of an optical system as y′/y that is in terms of an object height and image
height as well as using xx′ = f2 that is in terms of extrafocal distances (x and x′) and the focal length. However, the optical system
is idealized to have only a focal length (instead of focal lengths: xx′ = ff′) and no aberration (see section 27.6). Feynman could have distinguished
the concept of magnification using the terms lateral magnification and longitudinal
magnification. Specifically, we can define lateral (or transverse)
magnification as the
ratio of the image height to the object height of the optical system. The
lateral magnification would have a negative value if we consider the image is
inverted with respect to the object.
In order to understand the formation and magnification of an image
better, Feynman state two useful facts: 1. parallel rays from one side of the
lens would proceed toward the focal point that is at a distance f from a
lens. 2. any ray that passes the focal point on one side of a lens will emerge parallel
to the optical axis on the other side. Importantly, there is one more useful
fact: any ray that passes through the optical center of the lens will continue
to move in a straight line. Furthermore, the first two conditions are
applicable to a thick lens by including the concept of principal planes.
This concept is also applicable to an optical system that has more than one
lens (see section 27.5).
2. Longitudinal
“We leave it to the student to demonstrate that if we call s = x+f
and s′ = x′+f, Eq. (27.12) is the same
as Eq. (27.16) (Feynman et al.,
1963, section 27–4 Magnification).”
Feynman mentions that y′/y = x′/f = f/x Eq. 27.15 is the
famous lens formula and it has everything we need to know about lenses. Historically,
the concept related to xx′ = f2 appeared in Newton’s Opticks (Hecht, 2002) and thus, it is known
as the Newtonian lens formula. Strictly speaking, the equation does not contain
everything about lenses (e.g., aberration) and Feynman could have clarified how
the lateral magnification of a lens is connected to the image distance s′ and
object distance s (as well as x′ and x). Importantly, it is not trivial to
explain that the extrafocal distances
x and x′ are measured from the principal planes instead of the optical center. Furthermore,
it is beneficial to explain that the longitudinal (or axial) magnification X
is defined to be equal to x′/x (or X = Dx′/Dx = s′/s).
Feynman leaves it to his students to demonstrate
that s = x+f and s′ = x′+f Eq. 27.12 are the same as xx′ = f2 Eq. 27.16. However, it is worthwhile to let students demonstrate
the concept of longitudinal
magnification by
differentiating the
Newtonian lens formula. Firstly, we may express xx′ = f2 as x′ =
f2/x and differentiating x′ with
respect to x, we have Dx′/Dx = f2(-x-2) = -f2/x2. Secondly, using xx′ = f2 and y′/y = x′/f = f/x Eq. 27.15, we can get x′ = f(y′/y) and x = f/(y′/y). Thus, x′/x = f(y′/y) ¸ f/(y′/y) = (y′/y)2 and it means that the longitudinal magnification X
= x′/x is equal to the square of
lateral magnification Y = y′/y. In a sense, the longitudinal magnification is
about to what extent the image “becomes” larger because it appears farther.
3. Angular
“Now we may derive a lens formula. Using the similar triangles PVU
and TXU, we find y′/f = y/x (Feynman et al., 1963, section 27–4 Magnification).”
To derive the Newtonian lens formula, Feynman uses the similar triangles
PVU and TXU to get y′/f = y/x Eq. 27.13 and from similar triangles SWR
and QXR to get y′/x′ = y/f Eq. 27.14. However, the angular magnification of a magnifying device is defined as Ma = q′/q or Ma = tan
q′/tan q in which tan q = y/x (Note: y/x appears
in Eq. 27.13). Simply phrased, angular
magnification is the ratio of the angle subtended by an image (using a
magnifying device) to the angle subtended by an object (naked eye). This is an important concept that is used to specify the magnification
of telescopes and microscopes. (Feynman
briefly mentions telescopes and microscopes in the next section without further
Some may understand the concept of
magnification better by comparing lateral magnification, longitudinal
magnification, and angular magnification. In short, we can define angular
magnification, lateral magnification, longitudinal magnification as Ma = tan q′/tan
q = (y′/x′)/(y/x), Y = y′/y, and X = x′/x respectively. The
three magnifications can be related as Ma = (y′/x′)/(y/x) = (y′/y)/(x′/x) = Y/X. That is, we
have Lateral magnification = Longitudinal magnification × Angular
magnification (Y = X × Ma). On the other hand, it can be shown
that the angular magnification of a lens is the reciprocal of its linear
magnification (Ma = 1/Y). By assuming the object is small and it is
placed on the optical axis, we have Ma = tan q′/tan
q = (h/s′)/(h/s) =
1/(s′/s) that is valid for paraxial
rays (Landsberg, 2000).
Review Questions:
1. How would you define the
concept of lateral (or linear) magnification?
Does the famous lens formula contain everything we need to
know about lenses, such as longitudinal magnification?
3. How would you explain
the concept of angular magnification?
The moral of the lesson: the Newtonian lens formula xx′ = f2 tells us the magnification, y′/y, in terms of the extrafocal distances measured from the focal points and the focal length of a magnifying device.
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., &
Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
2. Hecht, E. (2002). Optics (4th ed.). San Francisco, Addison-Wesley.
3. Landsberg, G. S. (2000). Textbook of Elementary Physics, Volume 3 (A. Troitsky, Transl.). Honolulu, Hawaii: University Press of the Pacific.