(Over-damped motion / Arbitrary
constants / Critical value)
In this section, the three
important points are how to solve an over-damped problem,
determine arbitrary constants, and its critical value. To be specific, the section could be titled
as “over-damped motion” instead of “electrical transients.”
1. Over-damped motion:
“If we increase the resistance still more, we get a
curve like that of Fig. 24–6, which does not appear to have any
oscillations, except perhaps one (Feynman et al., 1963, section 24–3 Electrical transients).”
Feynman solves an
over-damped motion problem using the equation md2x/dt2 + γmdx/dt + mω02x = 0. By assuming a solution is eiαt,
the equation can be simplified to −α2 + iαγ + ω02 = 0 that has two solutions: α1 = iγ/2 + i√(γ2/4 − ω02) and α2 = iγ/2 − i√(γ2/4 − ω02). However, one may prefer the equation md2x/dt2 + 2γmdx/dt +
mω02x = 0 by changing the resistive term γ to
2γ. In this approach, the two
solutions can be re-expressed as α1 = iγ + iÖ(γ2 − ω02) and α2 = iγ – iÖ(γ2 − ω02). By substituting them into eiαt,
we have x = Ae^−(γ + ωγ)t + Be^−(γ − ωγ)t in
which ωγ = Ö(γ2 − ω02). One advantage of this approach is to allow the
two solutions to look simpler without the two fractions ½ and ¼. Another
advantage is that we can easily distinguish under-damped oscillation (γ < ω0) and
over-damped motion (γ > ω0).
To demonstrate
electric transients, Feynman suggests using an oscilloscope to monitor the
voltage across the inductance L in an
electrical circuit and by suddenly closing the switch S to turn on a voltage. In this case, it is an oscillatory circuit
that has a steady-state response and a transient response. Furthermore, he
repeats the experiment by closing the switch 60 times a second and using the
oscilloscope horizontal sweep. On the contrary, we can demonstrate an electric
transient by first having the switch S
in a closed position for a long time and this will result in a state steady
response. An electrical transient will occur when we turn off the voltage by opening the switch S. The transient response is also dependent on the presence of
energy storing elements such as an inductor or a capacitor.
2. Arbitrary
“Now let us discuss how we can find the two coefficients A and B (or A and A*), if we know how the motion was
started (Feynman et al., 1963, section 24–3 Electrical transients).”
Feynman discusses the two arbitrary constants A and B (or A and A*) that depends on how the
motion was started. Firstly, we may assume the initial conditions at t = 0 are x = x0 and dx/dt
= v0. Next, x(t) = e−γt/2(Ae^iωγt + Be^−iωγt) must be real implies that Be^−iωγt has to be the complex conjugate of Ae^iωγt and thus, B
= A*. Thus, we may
write x = e−γt/2(Ae^iωγt + A*e^−iωγt) and dx/dt
= e−γt/2[(−γ/2 + iωγ)Ae^iωγt + (−γ/2 − iωγ)A*e^−iωγt ]. Alternatively,
we may let x(t) = e−γt/2[Ccos (ωγt + q)] such that at t = 0, the
arbitrary constants are related by the
equations A + B = C cos q and A − B = iC sin q. (Using eiq = cos q + isin q and by comparing
the real parts and imaginary parts.)
In the first
edition, the arbitrary constant AR was correctly
stated as x0/2, but AI was incorrectly stated as (v0 + γx0/2)/2ωγ. This is later revised as AI = −(v0 + γx0/2)/2ωγ. To get the correct sign, we can use the initial conditions as well as A = AR + iAI and A* = AR − iAI. Firstly, we have x0 = (A + A*) = 2AR and AR = x0/2 because e0 = 1. On the other hand, v0 = [(−γ/2+iωγ)A + (−γ/2 − iωγ)A*] = (−γ/2)(A
+ A*) + iωγ(A − A*) = (−γ/2)(2AR) + iωγ(2iAI) = −(γ/2)(x0) − 2ωγAI. Thus, we have −(v0 + γx0/2)/2ωγ instead of (v0 + γx0/2)/2ωγ. The final equation
(24.22) for the displacement x is
still correct indicates that it could be a typo mistake.
Critical value:
“… often appears
physically as a change from oscillatory to exponential behavior when some
physical parameter (in this case resistance, γ) exceeds some critical value (Feynman et al.,
1963, section 24–3 Electrical
Feynman ends
the section by explaining the intimate mathematical relation of the sinusoidal
and exponential function. In essence, we should expect a change from oscillatory
to exponential behavior when the electrical resistance or friction (γ) exceeds a critical value. As a suggestion, we can use md2x/dt2 + 2γmdx/dt +
mω02x = 0 that has a simpler critical value. Firstly, when γ is
smaller than ω0, we have an
under-damped oscillation. On the contrary, when γ is
greater than ω0, we have an over-damped
motion. However, Feynman did not explain that if γ is equal
to ω0, then we will have a critically damped motion such
that the oscillator is stopped in the shortest time. Thus, γ is a critical value that determines the nature of motion whether it
slows down sinusoidally or exponentially.
In the last
paragraph, Feynman adds that “all the behavior of such a system with no
external force is expressed by a sum, or superposition, of pure exponentials in
time” (which was written as eiαt). However, in
the case of critically damped oscillation (γ = ω0), the general solution
in Eq. (24.20) is
no longer applicable because the roots α1 and α2 are both equal to −γ and this apparently implies
that there is only one solution, e−γt. Importantly, another
possible solution can be written in the form te−γt based on a mathematical result
from the theory of linear differential equations. Thus, it is not exactly true to say that the
behavior of a system is always a sum of pure exponentials
in time.
Questions for discussion:
1. Would you use the
equation md2x/dt2 + γmdx/dt + mω02x = 0 or md2x/dt2 + 2γmdx/dt + mω02x = 0 to solve an over-damped problem?
2. How would you determine the two
arbitrary constants (A and B) of x(t) = Ae^iωγt + Be^−iωγt?
3. Would you explain that the behavior of
an oscillator with no external force can always be expressed by a sum of pure
exponentials in time?
The moral of the
lesson: an oscillator may change from oscillatory (under-damped) to exponential
(over-damped) behavior when some physical parameter (in this case resistance, γ) exceeds some critical value.
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands,
M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.