(Effective light sources / Cornu’s spiral / Geometrical
shadow edge)
The three
interesting concepts discussed in this section are effective light sources, Cornu’s spiral, and
geometrical shadow edge.
1. Effective light sources:
“Of course, actually
there are no sources at the holes, in fact that is the only
place that there are certainly no sources… If we use the
theorem that we have not yet proved, then we can replace the actual problem by
a set of effective sources uniformly distributed over the open space
beyond the object (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–8).”
Some may enjoy how Feynman explained the
diffraction of light waves at an opaque sheet with holes in it: We have assumed that there are sources distributed with uniform density
across the open holes, but there are actually no sources at the holes. However, there is a gap in his explanation because
he has not proved the theorem that justifies why we can replace the problem with
a set of effective light sources uniformly distributed over the open
space. For example, one may state the theorem as Huygens-Fresnel Principle and then
explain that every point on a wavefront is the source of spherical wavelets... In
short, the idealized light sources on the wavefront do not exist as physical
objects, but they are useful mathematical objects. Perhaps Feynman did
not like this principle partly because he wrote that “[a]ctually Huygens’ principle is not correct in optics…
(Feynman, 1942, p. 91)” in his PhD thesis.
Nevertheless, we get
the correct diffraction patterns by considering the holes to be the only places
that there are sources; that is a rather peculiar fact. We shall explain later
why this is true, but for now let us just suppose that it is (Feynman et
al., 1963, p. 30–8).
Feynman says that we can get the correct diffraction
patterns by considering the holes to
be the only places where there are sources, but he has planned to
explain later why this is true. Note that he does not provide the explanation
for the diffraction patterns in this chapter. In section 31–6 Diffraction of light by a screen, he
mentions: “[w]e have the result that the field at P when there are holes in a screen (case b) is the
same (except for sign) as the field that is produced by that part of a complete opaque wall which is located where the
holes are!... (Feynman et al., 1963).” Furthermore, he remarks that this theory of diffraction is only approximate, and it is valid
only if the holes are not too small. In the real world, there are real sources,
for example, a beam of radiation incident on an atom causes the electrons in
the atom to oscillate and thus the electrons can radiate in various directions
(Feynman et al, 1963, Chapter 32).
2. Cornu’s spiral:
“To construct that curve
involves slightly advanced mathematics, but we can always construct it by
actually drawing the arrows and measuring the angles. In any case, we get the
marvelous curve (called Cornu’s spiral) shown in Fig. 30–8. (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–9).”
According to Feynman, Fig. 30–8 shows a marvelous curve that is called Cornu’s
spiral. Strictly speaking, the figure does not really show a curve but a series
of arrows representing the addition of amplitudes for many in-phase oscillators
or antennas. Simply phrased, the arrows having the same length means that the
idealized antennas (instead of a continuous line source) have the same electric
field strength and are equally spaced. The slightly advanced mathematics is
essentially Fresnel integrals that is also known as Euler’s identity: ò0u e^i(p/2)u2 du = ò0u cos (p/2)u2 du + iò0u sin (p/2)u2 du. In other words, Cornu’s spiral is a continuous
curve in the complex plane of the points Z = C(z) + iS(z)
in which C(z) and S(z) are Fresnel Integrals.
A property of Cornu’s spiral is its curvature at any
point is linearly proportional to its arc length (distance along the spiral)
from the origin. The curve spirals towards a point relatively quickly because the
diffraction pattern is mainly due to a small region of effective sources. In essence,
the intensity of diffraction pattern is mainly contributed by light rays of the
shortest and shorter paths. We can find similar
spirals for phenomena including reflection and refraction. Similarly, in his
lecture on QED, Feynman (1985) wrote: “[b]elow the graph is the
direction of each arrow, and at the bottom is the result of adding all the
arrows. It is evident that the major contribution to the final arrow’s length
is made by arrows E though I, whose directions are nearly the
same because the time of their paths is nearly the same (p. 43).”
3. Geometrical
shadow edge:
“The intensity near
the edge of a shadow. The geometrical shadow edge is at x0 (Feynman et
al., 1963, p. 30–9).”
Perhaps Feynman could have clarified the meaning of geometrical shadow edge or geometrical shadow. For instance, the geometrical shadow may be explained as the idealized shadow that would have been seen, assuming there are no diffraction effects. That is, the diffraction of light due to a semi-infinite opaque screen causes the edge of geometrical shadow to be fuzzy and thus physicists define the geometrical shadow edge at x0. Better still, the geometrical shadow edge could be defined as the boundary between the illuminated region and shadow region. Additionally, the intensity at x0 is ¼I0 whereby I0 is the unobstructed intensity if there is no semi-infinite opaque screen. Perhaps Fig. 30–9 could be modified as shown below.
Review Questions:
1. Would you explain that there are effective sources or no sources
at the holes?
Would you say that Fig. 30–8 shows a marvelous curve that is called Cornu’s
3. How would you define the
geometrical shadow edge?
moral of the lesson: The intensity of diffraction pattern is dependent mainly on
light rays that traveled by the shortest path to the screen followed by those
traveled by slightly shorter paths.
1. Feynman, R. P. (1942/2005). Feynman’s thesis: A New Approach to Quantum Theory. Singapore: World Scientific.
2. Feynman, R. P.
(1985). QED: The strange theory of light and matter.
Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.