Saturday, August 31, 2019

Section 17–3 Past, present, and future

(Affective past / Affective future / Right now)

In this section, Feynman discusses three regions of space-time graph, namely, affective past, affective future, and right now.

1. Affective past:
Therefore region 2 is sometimes called the affective past, or affecting past; it is the locus of all events which can affect point O in any way (Feynman et al., 1963, section 17–3 Past, present, and future).”

According to Feynman, region 2 is sometimes called the affective past (or affecting past) because it is the locus of all events which can affect point O. Phrased differently, all points of region 2 are in the “past” of O, and anything that happens in this region could affect O. Physics teachers should add that in region 2 (t < 0), the space-time interval between two events O and Q can be expressed as x2 < c2t2 and the square of the time-like interval (Ds)2 is greater than zero. This means that the two events, O and Q, are related causally and they are capable of interacting physically. For example, an observer initially at event Q could move to the position of event O before O occurs. In other words, the observer at Q can influence O (e.g., a transfer of energy) and the two events are separated by a time-like interval that can be causally related.

Feynman elaborates an interesting physical relationship from region 2 (past) to the point O (here and now): a physical object or a signal may move from a point in region 2 to the event O at a speed that is less than the speed of light. For example, an object at Q can move to O at a certain speed less than c, so if this object was in a space ship and moving, it would be located at a point in the past (or region 2). Physics teachers could explain that the principle of causality in special relativity is related to the second postulate. That is, two events O and Q can interact physically, but it occurs while no physical signal can move faster than c. Furthermore, based on the principle of causality, the cause must precede its effect is consistently observed by all inertial observers.

2. Affective future:
So this is the world whose future can be affected by us, and we may call that the affective future (Feynman et al., 1963, section 17–3 Past, present, and future).”

Feynman explains that region 3 is a region which we can affect from O, for example, we can “hit” things by shooting “bullets” out at speeds less than c. These include spatial points whose future can be affected by us, and he names this region as affective future. We may add that in region 3 (t > 0), the space-time interval between two events O and A (a point in affective future) can be expressed as x2 < c2t2 and the square of the interval (Ds)2 is also time-like. In addition, if the interval is time-like, i.e., (Ds)2 > 0, then tA > tO remains the same in every inertial frame. This is in contrast to quantum causality in which the causal order of events is not always fixed whereby instantaneous movement is assumed possible.

One may hope Feynman to discuss the principle of causality. Interestingly, the principle of causality as “an effect cannot occur before its cause” is related to the temporal order of events. In Bridgman’s (1927) words, “[i]t appears then, that the fundamental postulate of relativity (that the form of natural laws is the same in all reference systems) demands that the temporal order of events causally connected be the same in all reference systems (p. 87).” Furthermore, the light postulate has the implication that no object or signal can move faster than the speed of light from the perspective of inertial observers. This restriction of speed also makes an assumption about the temporal order of causally connected events (Bridgman, 1927).

3. Right now:
What we mean by ‘right now’ is a mysterious thing which we cannot define and we cannot affect, but it can affect us later… (Feynman et al., 1963, section 17–3 Past, present, and future).”

Feynman says that the interesting thing about region 1 (the remaining region of space-time) is that we can neither affect it now from O, nor can it affect us now at O, because nothing can move faster than the speed of light. If the sun is exploding “now,” it takes eight minutes for the signal or energy to reach us, and it cannot possibly affect us earlier. However, Feynman did not clearly specify region 1 as “right now,” but it is named by some physicists as “elsewhere” (Thorton & Marion, 2004), “causal present” (Rindler, 2003), or “present” (Resnick, 1968). Generally speaking, O and R are separated by a space-time interval that is space-like, i.e., (Ds)2 < 0. The separation between the two events is such that c2t2 < x2 whereby the influence between two events is limited by the speed of light.

Feynman describes right now as a mysterious thing which we cannot define and affect, but it can affect us later if we had done something far enough in the past. When we look at the star Alpha Centauri, we are seeing the light from the star that was emitted four years ago; we may wonder whether the star still exists “now.” In essence, two events that are separated by a space-like interval (e.g., Alpha Centauri is four light-years away from us) have no absolute time sequence. The “now” is dependent on the reference frame of an inertial observer, that is, the problem of simultaneity is not a unique thing has been elucidated by Einstein. More important, each event in region 1 may be identified as simultaneous with O (here and now) in a certain inertial frame.

Questions for discussion:
1. How would you define the region of affective past?
2. How would you define the region of affective future?
3. How would you define the region of now (or elsewhere)?

The moral of the lesson: two events that are separated by a time-like interval have the same temporal order, and this is different from two events that are separated by space-like intervals that have no absolute order of time.

1. Bridgman, P. W. (1927). The Logic of Modern Physics. New York: Macmillan.
2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
3. Resnick, R. (1968). Introduction to Special Relativity. New York: Wiley.
4. Rindler, W. (2003). Relativity: special, general, and cosmological. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
5. Thornton, S. T. & Marion, J. B. (2004). Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems (5th Edition). Belmont, CA: Thomson Learning-Brooks/Cole.

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