Sunday, January 9, 2022

Section 30–5 Colored films; crystals

(Single surface reflection / Thin-film interference / Three-dimensional grating)


The three interesting concepts discussed in this section are a reflection of a light wave at a surface of a material, thin-film interference (due to front reflection and back reflection), and three-dimensional grating (reflection at atoms of crystals).


1. Single surface reflection:

when a light wave hits a surface of a material with an index n, let us say at normal incidence, some of the light is reflected. The reason for the reflection we are not in a position to understand right now; we shall discuss it later (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–7).”


Feynman says that we are not in a position to understand the reflection of a light wave right now. In Volume II, he adds that “the amplitude of a surface reflection is not a property of the material, as is the index of refraction. It is a ‘surface property,’ one that depends precisely on how the surface is made (Feynman et al., 1964, Chapter 33 Reflection from surfaces).” In short, the amount of light reflected by the surface is dependent on the smoothness of the surface or the arrangement of atoms in an object. Essentially, the free electrons of the atoms oscillate in response to the incident light waves and they may cause the reflected light waves to be either strong or weak. In other words, the reflection at the boundary between two media is a process of scattering and interference of electromagnetic waves.


“But there are a number of other examples, and even though we do not understand the fundamental mechanism yet, we will someday, and we can understand even now how the interference occurs (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–7).”


Feynman mentions that we do not understand the fundamental mechanism of reflection and we can understand how the interference occurs. Interestingly, physicists have argued whether two photons can be said to interfere with each other (Glauber, 1995). More important, some may prefer this explanation of reflection: “[w]hen I talk about the partial reflection of light by glass, I am going to pretend that the light is reflected by only the surface of the glass. In reality, a piece of glass is a terrible monster of complexity - huge numbers of electrons are jiggling about. When a photon comes down, it interacts with electrons throughout the glass, not just on the surface. The photon and electrons do some kind of dance, the net result of which is the same as if the photon hit only the surface (Feynman, 1985, p. 16-17).” That is, the fundamental mechanism of reflection can be explained by light waves or photons.


2. Thin-film interference:

Then, if we look at the reflection of a light source in a thin film, we see the sum of two waves; if the thicknesses are small enough, these two waves will produce an interference, either constructive or destructive, depending on the signs of the phases (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–7).”


According to Feynman, if we look at the reflection of a light source in a thin film, we see an interference pattern that depends on the signs of the phases, provided the thickness of the thin film is small enough. On the other hand, there is also a strong reflection even if the “thin-film” is not small enough (e.g., single crystal x-ray diffraction). To be specific, one may clarify that the interference is observable provided the thickness of the thin film is of the order of about ¼ to 10 wavelengths of visible light. In addition, this is an interference of reflected waves at the front surface and back surface of the thin film. Thus, we may define thin-film interference as an interference of light waves that occurs when light interacts with the front and back surface of a thin film of material.


“So we see colors when we look at thin films and the colors change if we look at different angles, because we can appreciate that the timings are different at different angles. Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–8).”


Feynman explains that we can see colors change at thin films because we can appreciate that the timings are different at different angles. Some may be surprised that his explanation is in terms of different timings instead of path difference, and he did not provide a formula. However, the principle can be based on the optical path difference due to the front reflection and back reflection of a thin film (d = nl/4 for constructive inference). In a lecture on QED, Feynman (1985) elaborates that “[t]he ‘front reflection’ arrow is drawn opposite to that of the stopwatch hand when it stops turning… The ‘back reflection’ arrow is drawn in the same direction as the stopwatch hand (pp. 28-29).” One may add that the front reflection is drawn opposite to the stopwatch hand because of a phase shift of 180 degrees when light waves move from a low refractive index medium to a high refractive index medium.


3. Three-dimensional grating:

This principle is used to discover the positions of the atoms in a crystal. The only complication is that a crystal is three-dimensional; it is a repeating three-dimensional array of atoms (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 30–8).”


Feynman discusses the principle for determining the positions of atoms: Based on the difference in intensity of the various images, we could find out the shape of the grating scratches, whether the grating was made of wires, sawtooth notches, and so on. Currently, some physicists prefer to use the term condition and state Bragg’s two conditions (or Bragg’s law) and Laue’s condition. Bragg’s first condition is about the regular reflection of x-rays whereby the angle of incidence equals to angle of scattering, whereas the second condition requires the path difference between two scattered waves equals to an integer number of wavelengths (2d sin q = nl). On the other hand, Laue’s condition is a relation of an incident wave and scattering wave from the crystal to the reciprocal lattice vector.


According to Feynman, we must use radiation of a very short wavelength, i.e., x-rays, whose wavelength is less than the space between the atoms such that there are diffraction patterns. In a sense, this is not correct because we can use electrons and neutrons instead of x-rays. Furthermore, one should elaborate that glass is an amorphous (non-crystalline) solid in which the atoms are not in regular arrangement (definite lattice pattern). More important, the symmetry (e.g., fourfold symmetry) in the diffraction pattern corresponds to the symmetrical axis or periodicity of atoms. However, the object need not be a crystal, e.g., the “cross shape” diffraction pattern indicates a helical arrangement of DNA.

As a suggestion, you may want to read his lecture on QED: “I can’t resist telling you about a grating that Nature has made: salt crystals are sodium and chlorine atoms packed in a regular pattern. Their alternating pattern, like our grooved surface, acts like a grating when light of the right color (X-rays, in this case) shines on it. By finding the specific locations where a detector picks up a lot of this special reflection (called diffraction), one can determine exactly how far apart the grooves are, and thus how far apart the atoms are (see Fig. 28). It is a beautiful way of determining the structure of all kinds of crystals as well as confirming that X-rays are the same thing as light. Such experiments were first done in 1914. It is very exciting to see, in detail, for the first time how the atoms are packed together in different substances… (Feynman, 1985, pp. 48-49).”


Review Questions:

1. How would you explain the reflection of light waves at the boundary between two media?

2. Would you explain that colors change at a thin film if we look at different angles because the timings are different at different angles (or path differences)?

3. How would you state the principle for determining the positions of atoms in a crystal?


The moral of the lesson: thin-film interference and the diffraction of light in a crystal are related to the reflection of light waves at the surfaces of a material or atoms in the crystal.



1. Feynman, R. P. (1985). QED: The strange theory of light and matter. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

3. Glauber, R. J. (1995). Dirac’s Famous Dictum on Interference: One Photon or Two?. American Journal of Physics, 63(1), 12.

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