Saturday, September 9, 2023

Section 34–8 Aberration

(Definition / Derivation / Application)


In this section, Feynman’s discussion of stellar aberration could be analyzed from the perspective of definition, derivation, and application. This section may be titled as “stellar aberration” or “aberration of starlight” instead of “aberration” that is vague.


1. Definition:

“This effect, that a telescope has to be tilted, is called aberration, and it has been observed (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 34–10).”


Perhaps Feynman could have used the term stellar aberration instead of aberration that has other definitions in Optics. We may define stellar aberration from the perspective of angular shift, relative motion, and reference frame: (1) Angular shift: It is an astronomical phenomenon that manifests as an angular shift (typically on the order of seconds of arc) with respect to the apparent position of a star or celestial object when observed at two different times of a year. (2) Relative motion: It depends on the velocity of light and velocity of the Earth, along with the application of the Lorentz transformation. (3) Reference frame: The change of the observer’s reference frame, whether it is based on Earth’s based telescope or satellite-based telescope, determines the apparent angular shift. In short, stellar aberration can be distinguished as annual aberration (orbital motion of the Earth about the Sun), diurnal aberration (Earth’s rotation), and secular aberration (motion of the solar system).


There could be an analogy using the apparent direction of falling rain (See figure below) to explain stellar aberration. In Schwinger’s (2002) words: “One favorite analogy for this effect of motion imagines someone standing in vertically descending rain, using a vertically held umbrella for maximum shielding. When that person walks, the umbrella must be inclined forward to maintain the shielding, the more so the faster the pace. Turn the rain into starlight, the umbrella into a telescope, and the umbrella carrier into the Earth in its orbit, and you have Bradley's explanation of the aberration of starlight (p. 27).” However, a limitation of the analogy is that the speed of “rain” is dependent on the velocity of the observer. One may emphasize that the stellar aberration is due to the orbital velocity of the Earth instead of its position (commonly known as stellar parallax).

Source: 5. One for Martin Gardner | Ehrenfest Paradox (


2. Derivation:

To find out, we will have to write down the four components of kμ and apply the Lorentz transformation. The answer, however, can be found by the following argument: we have to point our telescope at an angle to see the light. Why? Because light is coming down at the speed c, and we are moving sidewise at the speed v, so the telescope has to be tilted forward so that as the light comes down it goes “straight” down the tube. It is very easy to see that the horizontal distance is vt when the vertical distance is ct, and therefore, if θ′ is the angle of tilt, tan θ′=v/c. How nice! How nice, indeed—except for one little thing: θ′ is not the angle at which we would have to set the telescope relative to the earth, because we made our analysis from the point of view of a “fixed” observer (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 34–10).”


Some may derive the stellar aberration formula using Lorentz transformation between two frames of reference or specifically, the relativistic velocity addition formulas. In the Earth’s frame of reference, we can use cx and cy to represent the horizontal and vertical velocity of light respectively and thus the light beam is tilted at an angle θ such that tan θ = cy/cx. In the “fixed star’s frame,” if we assume the orbital velocity of the Earth is v (x-direction relative to the Sun), then the light beam is tilted at an angle θ¢ such that tan θ¢ = cy¢/cx¢ = cy/g(cx+v) by using the relativistic velocity addition formulas. Alternatively, the formula can be derived using the wave four-vector, cos [k(xcos θ + ysin θ) + wt], but it may appear to be complicated. However, it should be instructive for students to derive the result using at least two different methods involving Lorentz transformation.


tan()=��/����′=��When we said the horizontal distance is vt, the man on the earth would have found a different distance, since he measured with a “squashed” ruler. It turns out that, because of that contraction effect, tan θ = (v/c)/√(1−v2/c2)−(34.22) which is equivalent to sin θ = v/c. (34.23) It will be instructive for the student to derive this result, using the Lorentz transformation (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 34–10).”


Feynman suggests students deriving the stellar aberration formula using the Lorentz transformation. For stars close to zenith, we can derive the formula using the second postulate of special relativity and Pythagorean theorem. Pictorially, the hypotenuse of the triangle for Earth frame and the vertical line in the fixed-star frame both represent the velocity of light that is constant in all inertial frames (see Figure below). In addition, the horizontal component of the triangle is v and the vertical component is Ö(c2v2) by using the Pythagorean theorem. Thus, tan Dθ = v/Ö(c2v2) = (v/c)/Ö[1 – (v/c)2)]. Similarly, we have sin Dθ = v/c by simply using “opposite over hypotenuse”.


3. Applications:

How can we observe it? Who can say where a given star should be? Suppose we do have to look in the wrong direction to see a star; how do we know it is the wrong direction? Because the earth goes around the sun. Today we have to point the telescope one way; six months later we have to tilt the telescope the other way. That is how we can tell that there is such an effect (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 34–10).”


It should be worth mentioning that observing stellar aberration is not an easy task due to several factors, including the relatively small magnitude of the angular shift and instrumental challenges. The maximum stellar aberration of stars is about 20.5 arc seconds, which is roughly the diameter of the full Moon (e.g., Fortson, 2022).  Specifically, the Earth’s atmosphere can cause the light from stars to be refracted, scattered, or distorted as it passes through different layers of air. On the other hand, observing stars at the right times and in the right directions is crucial for maximizing the effect and minimizing errors. Alternatively, we may use satellite-based telescope because it offers a stable observational environment whereby there are no atmospheric turbulence, weather-related changes, and light pollution.


Perhaps Feynman could have highlighted seven implications (or applications) of stellar aberration experiment: (1) Confirmation of Earth’s motion around the Sun: It provided evidence supporting the heliocentric model of the solar system. (2) Determination of the Speed of Light: It helped to verify the speed of light with reasonable accuracy. (3) Ether drag hypothesis: Airy's modified aberration experiment using a water-filled telescope provided evidence against the idea of ether drag. (4) Einstein’s light postulate: The realization that the apparent shifts in the positions of all stars in a specific direction have the same value and are independent of the brightnesses or distances of the stars. (5) Determination of Earth’s orbital velocity: Stellar aberration has been utilized to measure the Earth’s orbital velocity around the Sun. (6) Determination of Earth’s nutation:  Bradley’s discovery of the nutation of the Earth’s axis helped to understand the net gravitational forces between the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. (7) Investigate the motion of our solar system: The combined effect of stellar aberration from numerous stars helps in determining the motion of our solar system around the center of the galaxy, contributing to our understanding of galactic dynamics.

Review Questions:

1. How would you define the term stellar aberration?

2. How would you derive the stellar aberration formula? 

3. What are the implications or applications of stellar aberration? 


The moral of the lesson: The observer's changing reference frame, due to Earth's orbital motion, leads to the apparent deviation of starlight, providing astronomers with important insights into the dynamics of celestial objects and the fundamental nature of light, however, some of stars may not exist now.



1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

2. Fortson, N. (2022). Discovering the nature of light: The Science and the Story. Singapore: World Scientific.

3. Schwinger, J. S. (2002). Einstein's legacy: the unity of space and time. New York: Dover.

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