(Relativistic momentum / Relativistic mass / An approximate formula)
In this section, Feynman
discusses relativistic momentum, relativistic
mass, and an approximate formula.
1. Relativistic momentum:
“Momentum is still given by mv,
but when we use the new m this
becomes p = mv = m0v/√1−v2/c2… (Feynman et al., 1963, section 15–8 Relativistic dynamics).”
According to Feynman, the relativistic momentum of an object is
given by the same mathematical expression mv.
In addition, under Einstein’s modification of Newton’s laws, the modified mass (m) of the
relativistic momentum can be expressed as m0/√(1−v2/c2) such that conservation of momentum holds. This is not quite correct because Einstein’s definitions of transverse
mass and longitudinal mass are not equal to m0/√(1−v2/c2). Historically, Lewis and Tolman (1909) first
derived the relativistic momentum using conservation of momentum in a paper
titled The Principle of Relativity and non-Newtonian mechanics. Feynman held the Richard Chace Tolman
professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology,
but he could have acknowledged Tolman’s contribution to relativistic momentum.
Textbook authors may define
relativistic momentum in terms of p =
gmv in which g is equal to 1/√(1−v2/c2). For example, Halliday et al. (2014) state that p = mDx/Dt0 = gmv and explain
that “Dt0 is the time
required to travel that distance, measured not by the observer watching the
moving particle but by an observer moving with the particle (p. 1138).” This should not be viewed as a rigorous derivation
or complete explanation of relativistic momentum. Although observers in all
inertial frames of reference observe different values of dx/dt of a particle, they agree with the term dx/dt0
where the proper time t0 is measured by the moving
observer. In a sense, the gamma
factor may mix with rest mass to become
relativistic mass or proper length (instead of only proper time), however, there
could be only a modification of mass, time, or length in p = gmv.
2. Relativistic
“Of course,
whenever a force produces very little change in the velocity of a body, we say
that the body has a great deal of inertia, and that is exactly what our formula
for relativistic mass says… (Feynman et al., 1963, section 15–8 Relativistic dynamics).”
Feynman uses
the relativistic mass formula m0/√(1−v2/c2) to explain that the inertia is comparatively higher when the velocity
of an object (v) is nearly as fast as
c. He relates the effect of
relativistic mass to the deflection of high-speed electrons in the synchrotron of
Caltech. For instance, the relativistic mass of an electron in the synchrotron is
explained to be about 2000 times of the rest mass that is comparable to the
mass of a proton. Thus, there is a need for a much stronger magnetic field to
deflect the high-speed electrons. Some physics teachers may prefer to use the
concept of relativistic energy instead of relativistic mass that may cause a
distraction in understanding the relativistic effect.
Lewis and Tolman (1909) derive a mathematical expression of relativistic
momentum that needs the concept of relativistic mass using a thought experiment
involving an elastic collision. We can also derive the relativistic
momentum formula p = gmv without the concept of relativistic mass (Adkins, 2008). This can be
achieved using a Lewis-Tolman inelastic collision of an object (m) with another identical object (initially
at rest) that coalesce and form a
particle of mass M. The relativistic momentum is conserved in this collision. This is in
contrast to the Newtonian momentum that is not conserved. Some physicists may argue
that Feynman could have avoided using the obsolete concept of relativistic mass
to discuss relativistic momentum.
3. An
approximate formula:
“An approximate
formula to express the increase of mass, for the case when the velocity is
small, can be found by expanding m0/√(1−v2/c2)−in a power series, using the binomial theorem (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 15–8
Relativistic dynamics).”
discusses the motion of molecules in a small tank of gas using the concept of
relativistic mass. When we heat the gas in the small tank, it increases the average
speed of the molecules and therefore, the total mass of the gas. Using the
binomial theorem, Feynman suggests expanding m0/√(1−v2/c2) in a power series to obtain an approximate formula for the increase of
mass. Because the average speed of the molecules is relatively slow in
comparison to the speed of light, the terms after the first two are negligible
and we can get m = m0+ ½m0(v2/c2). In other words, the increase in the mass of the gas is approximately equal
to the total increase in kinetic energy of molecules divided by c2, or Δm = Δ(K.E.)/c2.
We may not be
able to measure the increase in mass because the gain in kinetic energy is
relatively small compared to the term c2. Proponents of relativistic mass would conceptualize every gas molecule
has a mass that can be expressed in terms of m0/√(1−v2/c2) and explain that the total mass of the gas may be expressed as M = Smi. To support
their position, they may cite the following words of Einstein (1922), “Mass and energy are
therefore essentially alike; they are only different expressions for the same
thing (p. 47).” However, proponents of invariant
mass may argue that the definition of mass in terms of energy (m = E/c2) is a redundant concept. In a sense, physicists that disagree with the concept of relativistic mass prefer the
equation E2 = (pc)2 + (m0c2)2 instead of E = mc2.
Questions for discussion:
1. Would you agree with Feynman in using the mathematical expression of relativistic
momentum in terms of p = mv instead of p = gmv?
2. Would you explain the relativistic mass of an electron in a synchrotron to be about 2000
times of its rest mass that is comparable to the mass of a proton?
3. How would you
explain that the increase in the mass of a gas is proportional to the increase
in temperature?
The moral of the lesson: when a gas is
heated, the average speed of molecules is increased and the approximate increase
in mass of the gas can be estimated using the formula Δm = Δ(K.E.)/c2.
1. Adkins, G. S. (2008). Energy and
momentum in special relativity. American Journal of Physics, 76(11),
2. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
3. Halliday,
D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2014). Fundamentals of Physics (10th
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
4. Lewis, G. N., & Tolman, R. C. (1909). The
Principle of Relativity, and non-Newtonian mechanics. Proceedings of the
American Academy of Arts and Sciences. 44(25), 711-724.
5. Einstein, A. (1922). The meaning of relativity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.