(Four-position / Rotation
of space-time / Four-momentum)
In this
section, Feynman briefly discusses the position four-vectors, rotation of space-time, and
1. Four-position:
we expect that there will be vectors with four components, three of which are
like the components of an ordinary vector, and with these will be associated with a
fourth component, which is the analog of the time part (Feynman et al., 1963,
section 15–7 Four-vectors).”
According to Feynman, we can extend the concept of
vectors that have only space components by including a time component. The new
concept may be known as position four-vectors
that have four components: three of which are the components of a position
vector bounded in a three-dimensional space and a fourth component that is
associated with time. It means that space and time are inter-related
to the extent that space should not be independently defined without time,
whereas time should not be independently defined without space. However, it is
debatable whether the definition of space-time in terms of four-vector is
merely a convention. In other words, one may argue that space-time is
arbitrarily defined as a matter of convenience depending on how a physicist
formulates a theory of space and time.
A four-vector is a
set of four real (or complex) numbers that can be transformed by the Lorentz
transformation equations. In his seminal
paper titled space and time,
Minkowski (1907) writes that “I will call a point in space at a given time, i.e.
a system of values x, y, z,
t a worldpoint. The manifold of all
possible systems of values x, y, z,
t will be called the world (p. 112).”
Currently, physicists prefer the term event
instead of worldpoint. This idealized
point in Minkowski spacetime has a time and spatial
position that can be represented by a position four-vectors: where r is a three-dimensional position vector. Alternatively, some
authors may adopt Poincare’s (1906) imaginary time dimension ict that is used as a matter of convention.
2. Rotation in space-time:
“… Lorentz transformation is analogous to a rotation,
only it is a “rotation” in space and time, which appears to be a strange
concept (Feynman et al., 1963, section 15–7
explains that Lorentz transformation equations help to determine a new x′ which is a mixture of x and t (or a new t′ is a
mixture of t and x). Mathematically, the Lorentz transformation of x and t can be visualized as a rotation of space and time in a space-time
diagram. It can be further shown that the mathematical equation x′2+y′2+z′2−c2t′2 = x2+y2+z2−c2t2 is invariant for different values x, y, z, t in all inertial frames of reference. Physics
teachers may clarify that Minkowski did not unify space and time such that they
are equivalent to each other just like the equation E = mc2 that means
mass-energy equivalence. Although space and time can be transformed into
different values, the invariant quantity x2+y2+z2−c2t2 can be related to the postulate of the absolute
world (Minkowski, 1907).
theory of special relativity is not only about the relative space and time that can be calculated using Lorentz
transformation. In addition, the interval x2+y2+z2−c2t2 is invariant
for all inertial frames of reference. Thus, Minkowski (1907) explains
that “I think the word relativity postulate used for the requirement of
invariance under the group Gc
is very feeble. Since the meaning of the postulate is that through the
phenomena only the four-dimensional world in space and time is given, but the
projection in space and in time can still be made with certain freedom, I want
to give this affirmation rather the name the postulate of the absolute world
(p. 117).” Perhaps special relativity should be named as “theory of variance
(relativity) and invariance.” Although Einstein has destroyed absolute space
and absolute time, Minkowski has helped to develop the concept of invariant (absolute)
space-time interval.
3. Four-momentum:
“… the transformation gives three space parts that
are like ordinary momentum components, and a fourth component, the time part,
which is the energy (Feynman et al., 1963, section 15–7 Four-vectors).”
briefly mentions that four-momentum will be analyzed further in the next
chapters. However, we can simply apply the idea of four-vectors to momentum such
that the Lorentz transformation gives three components of linear momentum (space
parts) and a fourth component (time part) which is the energy. Mathematically,
we can multiply the four-velocity (or velocity
4-vector) by the rest (invariant) mass to obtain
the four-momentum, P ≡ mV = (E, p). Using this
approach, the law of conservation of energy and momentum appears as a single
law (or conservation of four-momentum). In a sense, momentum is not completely
defined without the concept of energy, whereas energy is not completely defined
without the concept of momentum.
may prefer Feynman to explain how direct experimental observations support the special theory of
relativity. This can be achieved by many convincing experiments that are
related to the law of conservation of energy and momentum. On the other hand,
it is necessary for the law of conservation of momentum to include the time
component (energy) in order to have the property of Lorentz invariance. That is,
we need the law of conservation
of energy to merge with the law of conservation of momentum to form invariant four-vectors in the
geometry of space-time. Essentially, the energy and momentum are
conserved in an interaction from the perspective of observers in all inertial
frames of reference.
Questions for discussion:
How would you define the position
2. How would you explain
that the Lorentz transformation is analogous to a “rotation”
in space and time?
3. How would you
define the four-momentum?
The moral of the lesson: the Lorentz transformation
of x and t of a moving object as viewed by an inertial observer can be
visualized as a rotation of space and time in a Minkowski
space-time diagram.
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., &
Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
2. Minkowski, H. (1907). Space and Time. In Petkov,
V., Ed. Minkowski’s
Papers on Relativity. Moscu: Minkowski Institute Press.
3. Poincaré, H. (1906). Sur la
dynamique de l’electron. Rendiconti del
Circolo Matematico di Palermo, 21, 129-176.
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