(Pappus’ first theorem / Pappus’ second
theorem / Centroid of a triangle)
In this section, Feynman
discusses Pappus’ centroid theorem for volume, Pappus’
theorem for surface area, and how to locate the centroid of a triangle.
1. Pappus’ first theorem:
“One such trick makes use of what is called the theorem of Pappus (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 19–2
Locating the center of mass).”
Feynman mentions a mathematical trick that is known as the theorem of
Pappus. This theorem of center of mass (centroid) can be stated as “[i]f a
plane area rotates about an axis in its
own plane which does not intersect it, the volume generated is equal to the
area times the length of the path of its centroid (Symon, 1971, p. 224).” That
is, if we take any closed area in a plane and generate
a solid by rotation such that each point is moved perpendicular to the plane of
the area, the resulting solid has a total volume equal to the area of the
cross-section times the distance moved by the centroid. However, Feynman did
not prove Pappus’ theorem formally. There could be a simple example using a
rectangular area (A) to generate a
cylindrical volume (V) in which V
= (2πr)A, where 2πr is the distance moved by the centroid.
Pappus’ centroid theorem for volume (or Pappus–Guldin theorem)
shows a connection between surface area, volume of revolution, and centroid. Feynman
elaborates that the theorem is true for a curved path because the
outer parts go around farther, but the inner parts go around lesser, and these
effects balance out. Importantly, two necessary conditions of Pappus’ theorem
are (1) a plane sheet of uniform density, and (2) the generated solid does not
intersect itself during rotation. Feynman says
that the theorem is true if we move the closed area in a circle or in some other curve. About seven years after Feynman's lecture, Adolph Winkler Goodman and Gary Goodman (1969)
developed a generalization of Pappus’ theorem that allows the closed area
to move in a natural manner on any sufficiently smooth simple closed curve.
2. Pappus’
second theorem:
“There is
another theorem of Pappus which is a special case of the above one, and
therefore equally true (Feynman et al., 1963, section 19–2 Locating the center of mass).”
Pappus’ centroid theorem for surface area is sometimes described as a
special case of Pappus’ first theorem. The surface area that is swept by a plane curve after rotation is equal to the
distance moved by the centroid times the length of the curve. Pappus’
second theorem can be stated as “[i]f a plane curve rotates about an axis in its own
plane which does not intersect it, the area of the surface of revolution which
it generates is equal to the length of the curve multiplied by the length of
the path of its centroid (Symon, 1971, p. 224).” This theorem can be proved
using A = òC 2py ds = 2p òC yds =
2pYs in which Y
is the y-coordinate of the centroid
and s is the length of the curve. There could be a simple example using a straight line of length (s) to generate a cylindrical area (A) in which A = (2πr)s, where 2πr is the distance moved by the centroid.
suggests applying Pappus’ centroid theorem to a semicircular piece of wire with
uniform mass density to find its centroid. In this case, there is no mass in
the center of the semicircular wire, except only within the wire. However, he did
not show how to solve this problem during his lecture. We may idealize the wire
(length: πR) as having a very narrow thickness, and apply Pappus’ theorem to
generate a spherical surface area (4πR2): (2πY)(πR) = 4πR2. Solving this
equation, we obtain Y = 2R/π where Y is the y-coordinate of the centroid and R is the radius of the semicircular wire. Alternatively, we can locate
the centroid of the semicircular wire using the general formula, Y = òydm/M = ò (Rsin q)(rR dq)/(rπR) = 2R/π, and by taking
limit from π radians to zero.
3. Centroid
of a triangle:
“… if we wish to
find the center of mass of a right triangle of base D and height H (Fig. 19–2), we might solve the problem in the
following way (Feynman et al., 1963, section 19–2 Locating the center of mass).”
Pappus’ theorem
can be easily applied to a right triangle of base D and height H. By rotating
the triangle 360 degrees about an axis through H (Fig. 19–2), it generates a cone. The volume of the cone with height H and radius D is πD2H/3, which is exactly one
third the volume of the smallest cylinder that the cone can fit inside. Based
on Pappus’ theorem, the cone’s volume (πD2H/3) is equal to the area of the
triangle (½HD) times the circumference (2πX) moved by the centroid. Thus,
(2πX)(½HD) = πD2H/3, and we can obtain the x-component of the centroid as X = D/3. Similarly,
by rotating the right triangle about the other axis, we can deduce the y-component of the centroid as Y = H/3.
Feynman has selected a good example because the centroid of any uniform
triangular area can also be located at where the three medians (the lines from
the vertices through the centers of the opposite sides) intersect. As an
alternative, we can locate the centroid of a triangle by constructing the perpendicular bisectors of any two sides. More
important, Feynman gives a clue that involves slicing the
triangle into a lot of little pieces, each parallel to a base without providing
the workings. The centroid of the right triangle can be calculated using the
formula R = òr dm/M (or Y = òy dm/M) where M = rV = r(HBt) and dm = rty dx = rt(xH/B) dx
in which H is the height and B is the base of the triangle. Using integration and taking limit from
x = B to x = 0, we can obtain
the y-coordinate of the centroid that
is H/3.
Questions for discussion:
1. How would you state
Pappus’ centroid theorem for volume?
2. How would you state Pappus’ centroid theorem for surface area?
3. How would you locate the centroid of a right triangle?
The moral of the lesson:
Pappus’ centroid theorem is a useful mathematical trick that helps to locate
the center of mass of an object.
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
2. Goodman,
A. W., & Goodman, G. (1969). Generalizations of the theorems of Pappus. The
American Mathematical Monthly, 76(4), 355-366.
3. Symon, K. R. (1971). Mechanics (3rd ed.). MA:
Reading: Addison-Wesley.
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