(Retarded Coulomb field / Correction term / Self-force)
The three interesting concepts
discussed in this section are retarded coulomb field, its correction term, and
1. Retarded Coulomb field:
“Take the first term, E = −qer′/4πϵ0r′2.
That, of course, is Coulomb’s law, which we already know: q is the
charge that is producing the field (Feynman et al.,
1963, section 28–1 Electromagnetism).”
Feynman says that the first term is Coulomb’s law in which q is
the charge that is producing the field. In a sense, this is imprecise because
the first term could be known as Retarded Coulomb field because it includes the
retarded time, r′/c, or the time it takes for the
influence to move from the charge to the point P at speed c. Note that
Feynman uses the phrase delayed Coulomb field subsequently, but the notation
of the term −qer′/4πϵ0r′2 should be
improved to denote the delay effect. Some may prefer Jackson’s notation that
expresses this term as E = (q/4pe0)(Ȓ/R2)ret.
The idea of time delay may be illustrated by Feynman’s
explanation of electric field using the analogy of two floating corks in water (Chapter
2) where water waves are analogous to electromagnetic waves.
Feynman explains that Coulomb’s law is wrong because influences cannot
travel faster than the speed of light. Alternatively, one may clarify that Coulomb’s
law is an idealization because we need to assume the “charges” are point
objects and they are stationary instead of moving continuously. Furthermore, this
law is not applicable for very short distances (less than 10−16 m)
and we are unable to experimentally prove that it holds for very large (astronomical)
distances. To give a better idea of field, Wilczek (2015) writes: “…in applications to fundamental
physics, where quantum fluctuations are important, it becomes problematic because
both forces and positions fluctuate. It can be salvaged as an approximate
notion by doing some averaging over time and
space (p. 355).”
2. Correction term:
“It suggests
that we should calculate the delayed Coulomb field and add a correction to it,
which is its rate of change times the time delay that we use. (Feynman et al., 1963, section 28–1 Electromagnetism).”
Feynman explains that the second term is as though
nature was trying to allow for the fact that the effect is retarded. In a sense, this explanation is potentially
misleading because the three terms of equation (28.3) have the same retarded
effect. Many may prefer Jackson’s (1999) use of subscript “ret” in Feynman’s
expression for the electric field is “E = (q/4pe0) {[Ȓ/kR2]ret + (¶/c¶t)[Ȓ/kR]ret -(¶/c2¶t)[v/kR]ret} (p.
284).” More important, Feynman adds that it is easy to show the first two terms
vary inversely as the square of the distance in the
next section. That is, we can use chain rule dy/dt = (dy/dx)(dx/dt)
and in this case, d(1/R)/dt = d(1/R)/dR
× dR/dt. It is simple to realize that d(1/R)/dR varies
inversely as the square of the distance R.
volume II, footnote 1 of chapter 21 states: “1. The formula was first published
by Oliver Heaviside in 1902. It was independently discovered by R. P. Feynman,
in about 1950, and given in some lectures as a good way of thinking about
synchrotron radiation.” This footnote on Feynman’s
expression for the electric field or equation (28.1) is incorrect because Heaviside’s formula is an
expression for the magnetic field. However, Feynman’s
expression for the electric field is
equivalent to Heaviside’s expression for the magnetic field (Jackson’s 1999). Furthermore,
footnote 2 of chapter 21 suggests readers not to derive Feynman’s
expression for the electric field. On the contrary, this is a problem for students in Jackson’s
(1999) Classical Electrodynamics by using Jefimenko’s equations. (Feynman’s
expression for the electric field is a special case of Jefimenko’s equations.)
3. Self-force:
“…we want the field to act on, we get into
trouble trying to find the distance, for example, of a charge from itself, and
dividing something by that distance, which is zero (Feynman
et al., 1963, section 28–1 Electromagnetism).”
According to Feynman, when we try to calculate the field from all the charges including the
charge, we get into trouble, e.g., dividing something by the distance,
which is zero. In other words, we have difficulties in calculating the
self-force of a charge that seems to be infinity. Feynman adds that the problem
of handling the electric field which is generated by the same charge was not
yet solved. In volume II, Feynman elaborates that “…the infinity arises because
of the force of one part of the electron on another—because we have allowed
what is perhaps a silly thing, the possibility of the ‘point’ electron acting
on itself (Feynman et al., 1964, section 28–4 The force of an electron on
itself).” Recently, Gralla, Harte, and Wald
(2009) determine the self-force by assuming the charge (q) and total mass (m) approach
zero, and q/m reaches a well-defined limit.
Historically, Wheeler and Feynman propose that point
charges interact only with other charges, but the interaction is half
through the advanced waves and half through the retarded waves. In his Nobel lecture,
Feynman (1965) says that “the idea seemed so obvious to
me and so elegant that I fell deeply in love with it. And, like falling in love
with a woman, it is only possible if you do not know much about her, so you
cannot see her faults…” Interestingly, when Feynman was a graduate student in
Princeton, he shared this idea in a technical talk and Einstein politely said: “I
find only that it would be very difficult to make a corresponding theory for
gravitational interaction … Since we have at this time not a great deal of
experimental evidence, I am not absolutely sure of the correct gravitational
theory (Feynman, 1985, p. 80).”
Review Questions:
1. Does the first term of the Heaviside-Feynman expression
of electric field refers to Coulomb’s law or retarded Coulomb field?
2. How would you explain
the correction term for the retarded Coulomb field (just like Feynman)?
3. Is the problem of self-force still not completely solved today?
The moral of the lesson: Coulomb’s law
is an idealization not only because we need to assume the “charges” are point objects
and they are stationary, but this law has not included the time-delay effect of
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R.
B., & Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
2. Gralla, S. E., Harte, A. I., & Wald, R. M. (2009). Rigorous derivation of electromagnetic self-force. Physical Review D, 80(2), 024031.
3. Wilczek, F. (2015). A Beautiful Question: Finding Nature’s Deep Design. New York: Penguin Press.
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