(Normal dispersion / Anomalous dispersion / Refining dispersion equation)
The three interesting concepts
in this section are normal dispersion, anomalous dispersion, and the
refinements for the dispersion equation.
1. Normal dispersion:
“The phenomenon that the
index depends upon the frequency is called the phenomenon of dispersion,
because it is the basis of the fact that light is “dispersed” by a prism into a
spectrum (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 31–6).”
Feynman explains that
dispersion is a phenomenon in which the refractive index depends upon the
frequency and it is based on the fact that light is dispersed by a prism into a
spectrum. However, one may define dispersion as a spreading of light waves into
their full spectrum of wavelengths in a dispersive medium. Furthermore, we may
state the condition of dispersive medium whereby the speed of a light wave is dependent
on its frequency, i.e., all material media are dispersive except vacuum. Specifically, normal
dispersion refers to the increase in refractive index provided the frequency (w) increases toward a resonant
frequency (w0) and (w02 - w2) decreases in accordance with
the equation (31.19). In other words, the slope dn/dw is positive as long as w is not too close to one of the resonant frequencies
of the dispersive medium.
ω0 = 0 in our dispersion
equation yields the correct formula for the index of refraction for radiowaves
in the stratosphere, where N is
now to represent the density of free electrons (number per unit volume) in the
stratosphere. But let us look again at the equation, if we beam x-rays
on matter, or radiowaves (or any electric waves) on free electrons the term (ω02−ω2) becomes negative,
and we obtain the result that n is less
than one (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 31–6).”
According to Feynman, if we beam x-rays or
radiowaves (or any electric waves) on free electrons in the stratosphere, the term
(ω02−ω2) becomes negative
and it means n is less than one. This
is not quite correct because the term (ω02−ω2) would be positive for frequencies of radiowaves that are lesser
than ω0. In addition, there
are several resonant frequencies (ω0i) depending on various materials as shown in the equation (31.20). For
example, the stratosphere also contains ozone molecules, which protect life on earth by
reducing the harmful ultraviolet radiation because ozone molecules have stronger
absorption in the ultraviolet region. Note that British geophysicists, Farman, Gardiner, and Shanklin (1985) reported a significant
decrease in stratospheric ozone levels over the Antarctic stations.
spite of the fact that it is said that you cannot send signals any faster than
the speed of light, it is nevertheless true that the index of refraction of
materials at a particular frequency can be either greater or less than 1.
This just means that the phase shift which is produced by the scattered
light can be either positive or negative… It is this advance in phase which
is meant when we say that the ‘phase velocity’ or velocity of the nodes
is greater than c (Feynman
et al., 1963, p. 31–6-7).”
According to Feynman, the refractive index can be greater
or less than 1 means that the phase shift which is due to the scattered
light can be either positive or negative, and specifically, advance in phase
means the “phase velocity” is greater than c. Importantly, the phase velocity is the
velocity of any point within the wave, i.e., it is not necessarily the nodes. Perhaps
Feynman could have proved this fact by using kx - wt = constant, which may refer
to any point (or constant phase) in the wave. In short, d(kx - wt)/dt = 0 Þ dx/dt = w/k = c, which is
independent of w and k for a sinusoidal wave. On the other
hand, it is not strictly correct to say that the refractive index can
be greater or less than 1 because it may be a complex number or less than zero.
(In 1968, Veselago hypothesized the
possibility of a negative refractive index.)
2. Anomalous dispersion:
“Very near the resonant frequencies,
however, there is a small range of ω’s for which the slope is negative. Such a
negative slope is often referred to as ‘anomalous’ (meaning abnormal)
dispersion, because it seemed unusual when it was first observed, long
before anyone even knew there were such things as electrons. From our point of
view both slopes are quite ‘normal’! (Feynman
et al., 1963, p. 31–8).”
Feynman explains
that it seemed unusual to have a negative slope (the rate of change of
refractive index with respect to frequency) when it was first observed without
the knowledge of electrons. In short, the dispersion is normal if
dn/dω is greater than zero (dn/dω > 0 or dn/dl < 0), i.e., the
dispersion is anomalous if dn/dω is less than zero. In other words, anomalous dispersion of light refers to the
refraction spectra in which the normal order of the separation of
component waves is reversed in the region near the resonant frequency. In this frequency range, the
material is almost opaque and it may be described as “regions of resonant
absorption” (Jackson, 1999, p. 130). The anomalous dispersion regions may not be
observed because the medium strongly absorbs energy from the light waves within
the absorption band.
During Weiner’s
interview on March 5, 1966, Feynman says: “They asked me which color was on top of a rainbow.
I said I didn’t know, but I could figure it out. They said, all right, figure
it out, and I drew a drop of water and said, let’s see, now, the red rays are
bent more than the blue — And the professor said, ‘Would you draw a curve of
index refraction against wavelength?’ And I thought: aha, I got it wrong. So when
I drew the index versus wavelength I turned it around so that the index was
higher for the blue end than for the red end — the opposite of what I just said.
When I looked at my curve I just drew, I said, ‘Oh yes, excuse me, it’s the
other way around.’ But I drew the curve because I knew from the question it was
backward, and I thought, I’m fooling him. Of course, he’d just given me a hint
that I was wrong on the other.”
Leroux discovered the phenomenon of anomalous dispersion involving iodine vapor whose absorption bands fall
within the visible region. In Leroux’s
(1862) words, “Iodine vapor
disperses light in different direction to any substance yet studied; that is, a
prism full of iodine vapor refracts red rays to a greater extent than blue rays
(p. 246).” That is, a prism formed using iodine vapor will deviate the red rays
more than the violet, giving a different spectrum as compared to a substance
having normal dispersion. When it was later discovered that transparent substances
(e.g., glass) also possess absorption regions, such as ultraviolet and infrared
radiation, the term anomalous is no longer appropriate. Although Leroux adopted the term abnormal dispersion, it could be better
to replace it with resonance dispersion.
3. Refining dispersion equation:
“Let us now look again at
our dispersion equation... To be completely accurate we must add some
refinements. First, we should expect that our model of the atomic
oscillator should have some damping force (otherwise once started it would oscillate
forever, and we do not expect that to happen). We have worked out before (Eq. 23.8) the motion of a
damped oscillator and the result is that the denominator in Eq. (31.16), and therefore in (31.19), is changed from (ω02−ω2) to (ω02−ω2+iγω), where γ is
the damping coefficient (Feynman
et al., 1963, p. 31–7).”
Feynman says that our model of the atomic
oscillator should have some damping force so that it would not oscillate
forever. The presence of damping
force means that the amplitude of oscillations would not approach infinity when
the driving frequency of light waves is equal to the resonant frequency of
electrons. Some may explain that it is difficult to observe the region of anomalous
dispersion because the electrons strongly absorb energy from the light waves
whose frequencies are close to their resonant frequency. For example, metals are opaque because the electrons in the
metals absorb the light waves and re-emit them during their passage through a metal.
However, Lorentz oscillator model has already included damping force and thus another
refinement could be including free and bound electrons (Hecht, 2002).
need a second modification to take into account the fact that there are several
resonant frequencies for a particular kind of atom. It is easy to fix up our dispersion
equation by imagining that there are several different kinds of oscillators,
but that each oscillator acts separately, and so we simply add the contributions
of all the oscillators. Let us say that there are Nk electrons per unit of volume,
whose natural frequency is ωk and whose damping factor is γk. We would then have for
our dispersion equation n = 1 + (qe2/2ϵ0m)[∑kNk/(ω2k−ω2+iγkω)] (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 31–7-8).”
In an endnote of chapter 31, Feynman adds that the dispersion
equation (31.20)
n = 1 + (qe2/2ϵ0m)[∑kNk/(ωk2−ω2+iγkω)] is still valid in quantum mechanics, but its
interpretation is somewhat different. To be more accurate, an atom with one electron, like hydrogen, has several resonant
frequencies. However, in the summary of the lecture (as shown on the
blackboard), Feynman has also included the equation n – 1 = (Nqe2/2ϵ0m)[∑fi/(ωk2−ω2+iγkω)] in which fi = fractional
strength of oscillator i. Currently, we may explain that the fi terms, which satisfy the requirement that åifi = 1, are weighting factors known as oscillator strengths
(Hecht, 2002). Alternatively, the fi terms are known as transition
probabilities, and perhaps Feynman could have cited the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn sum rule.
Review Questions:
1. Do you agree with
Feynman that the refractive index n is definitely less than one if we beam radiowaves
(or any electric waves) on free electrons?
2. Would you adopt the term anomalous dispersion?
3. How would you refine and interpret the new dispersion
The moral of the lesson: Anomalous dispersion (or resonance dispersion) occurs in the region near a resonant frequency, whereas normal dispersion occurs below the resonant frequency; these two phenomena repeat in other resonant frequencies as shown below.
1. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., &
Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman Lectures
on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics,
radiation, and heat.
Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
2. Farman, J. C., Gardner, B. G. & Shanklin, J. D.
(1985). Large losses of total ozone in Antarctica reveal seasonal
Cl0x/NOx interaction. Nature, 315, 207–210.
3. Hecht, E. (2002). Optics (4th edition).
San Francisco: Addison Wesley.
4. Jackson, J. D. (1999). Classical Electrodynamics (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New York.
5. Leroux, M. F.-P. (1862). Researches on the refractive indices of bodies which only assume the gaseous condition at high temperatures. Abnormal dispersion of iodine vapour. The London, Edinburgh, and Dublin Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science, 24(160), 245-247.
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