(Radiation pressure / Linear momentum / Angular spin momentum)
In this section, Feynman discusses radiation
pressure, linear momentum, and angular
spin momentum of light. Alternatively, this section could be titled as
“radiation pressure,” however, the chapter ends with the angular momentum of photons that connects to
the later chapter on Quantum Behavior. The term radiation pressure is also used
in the context of solar sail spacecraft and optical trapping. Historically,
James Clerk Maxwell deduced the magnitude of radiation pressure in 1873 using
his theory of electrodynamics. However, John Henry Poynting could be
acknowledged for his contribution on radiation pressure and angular momentum of
1. Radiation pressure:
“Let us
determine how strong the radiation pressure is. Evidently it is F
= qvB or, since everything is oscillating, it is the time
average of this, ⟨F⟩.
From (34.2) the
strength of the magnetic field is the same as the strength of the electric
field divided by cc, so we need to find the average of the electric field,
times the velocity, times the charge, times 1/c: ⟨F⟩=q⟨vE⟩/c.
But the charge q times the field E is the electric
force on a charge, and the force on the charge times the velocity is the
work dW/dt being done on the charge! Therefore the force, the
“pushing momentum,” that is delivered per second by the light, is equal
to 1/c times the energy absorbed from the light per
second! (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 34–11).”
Some physicists may feel confused with Feynman’s
derivation of equation 34.24 because it refers to “radiation force” instead of radiation pressure.
Furthermore, the equation, E = cB, is not a
fundamental equation of electromagnetism, but it is a simplified relation that
describes the electric field (E) and magnetic field (B) in a
specific context: electromagnetic waves in vacuum. Some may expect the
radiation pressure formula to be Prad = Intensity of Light (I)/
Speed of Light (c) and prefer it to be derived from the
Poynting vector (S), which represents the energy flow per unit area per unit
time. However, it is worthwhile for students to show that the radiation pressure exerted on a perfectly absorbing surface is equal to the energy density (or
field energy per unit volume) of the wave
(Jackson, 1999). In his PhD thesis, de Broglie (1925)
showed that radiation pressure equals to one third of the energy density in a
cavity filled with black body radiations at temperature T by assuming an
isotropic distribution of velocities.
“Therefore, when light is shining on a charge and it
is oscillating in response to that light, there is a driving force in the direction
of the light beam. This is called radiation pressure or
light pressure (Feynman et
al., 1963, p. 34–11).”
According to Feynman, radiation pressure is a driving force in the direction of the light beam
due to oscillating charges in response to the light shining on them. Alternatively,
we can define radiation pressure as follows: (1) Linear momentum: The cause of
pressure is a transfer of linear momentum (or field momentum) of light. (2) Radiation
Pressure formula Prad = I/c: The radiation pressure
(Prad) is equal to the intensity
of the electromagnetic radiation (I) divided by the speed of light (c).
(3) Nature of the surface: Radiation
pressure is influenced by the surface it interacts with, whether it reflects,
absorbs, transmits, or scatters light. In essence, the surface of an object determines
how photons from the incident light interact with the object, leading to the momentum
transfer (or energy transfer) and resulting in radiation pressure.
2. Linear momentum:
Equation (34.27) can
be written more elegantly as pμ= ℏkμ, a
relativistic equation, for a particle associated with a wave. Although we have
discussed this only for photons, for which k (the magnitude of k)
equals ω/c and p = W/c, the relation is much more general
(Feynman et
al., 1963, p. 34–11).”
We can distinguish the linear momentum of light in
the context of electrodynamics, special relativity, and quantum physics. (1) Electrodynamics:
By dividing ⟨F⟩ = (dW/dt)/c (34.24) by
area, we get Prad = I/c, i.e., radiation
pressure is due to the transfer of field momentum from the light wave to
an object’ surface, which is directly proportional to the intensity of the electromagnetic
field. (2) Special relativity: Einstein’s relationship
between energy (E) and linear momentum (p) for a particle can be
stated as E2
= (m0c2)2 + (pc)2;
E = pc for a massless photon. (3) Quantum physics: de Broglie suggested that the wavelength associated with
a particle is related to the de Broglie’s momentum, p = h/l. In summary, the three linear momentums of light require different
conception of lights (field momentum, photon’s momentum, and de Broglie’s momentum), but it shows these three perspectives
are interrelated in a consistent framework.
quantum mechanics all particles, not only photons, exhibit
wavelike properties, but the frequency and wave number of the waves is related
to the energy and momentum of particles by (34.27)
(called the de Broglie relations) even when p is not
equal to W/c (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 34–11).”
According to Feynman, the angular frequency and
wave number of the waves is related to the energy and momentum of particles
by E = ħw and p = ħk even when p is not equal to W/c,
i.e., the rest mass of the particles is non-zero. However, in de Broglie’s
(1925) words: “One may imagine that, by cause of a meta law of Nature, to each
portion of energy with a proper mass m0, one may
associate a periodic phenomenon of frequency ν0, such that one
finds: (1.1.5) hν0 = m0c2. The frequency ν0
is to be measured, of course, in the rest frame of the energy packet. This
hypothesis is the basis of our theory: it is worth as much, like all
hypotheses, as can be deduced from its consequences.” Some may deduce that de
Broglie’s wavelength is a result of the marriage of Einstein’s equation E = m0c2 and Planck’s equation E = hν0, which may be
simplified as m0c
= hν0 /c = h/l. In his Nobel lecture,
de Broglie (1929) showed that the momentum p = h/l by using W
= hν and
the relationship vphase ´ vgroup
= c2
(as shown below).
de Broglie's (1925) derivation
Perhaps Feynman could have clarified why a photon has
linear momentum, but its mass is zero. In Volume II, Feynman explains: “A photon of frequency ω0
has the energy E0=ℏω0. Since the energy E0 has the relativistic mass E0/c2 the photon has a mass (not
rest mass) ℏω0/c2 and is ‘attracted’ by the
earth (Feynman et al., 1964, section 42–6).” Thus, it suggests that light has linear momentum
and the effective mass E0/c2 that is equivalent to its
energy. However, some may argue that the relativistic mass of the photon is not
zero, but it is a matter of definition or semantic problem.
3. Angular momentum:
the quantum picture, a beam of circularly polarized light is regarded as a
stream of photons, each carrying an angular momentum ±ℏ, along the
direction of propagation. That is what becomes of polarization in the
corpuscular point of view—the photons carry angular momentum like spinning
rifle bullets. But this ‘bullet’ picture is really as incomplete as the ‘wave’
picture, and we shall have to discuss these ideas more fully in a later chapter
on Quantum Behavior (Feynman et
al., 1963, p. 34–11).”
Perhaps Feynman could have used the term spin angular momentum that is different from
orbital angular momentum, total angular momentum, and fractional angular
momentum. Spin angular momentum is an intrinsic form of angular momentum
associated with particles, such as electrons and photons. Orbital angular
momentum of light refers to the angular momentum associated with a helical or
twisted wavefront (Allen et al., 1992). Furthermore,
total angular momentum of light is an unequal mixture of spin and orbital
contributions (Ballantine, Donegan, &
Eastham, 2016). Recently,
the light’s fractional angular momentum is demonstrated
experimentally by shining a laser beam through a biaxial crystal (Ballantine, Donegan, & Eastham, 2016).
Feynman explains that the angular momentum of
a photon ±ℏ using the ‘spinning bullet’ analogy and adds that it is as
incomplete as the ‘wave’ picture. Note that ℏ,
the Dirac constant (Feynman simply called it Planck constant), is defined as h/(2π)
and can be traced back to the efforts
of Paul Dirac in formulating a relativistic quantum theory for electrons. Currently, the spin angular momentum of light is
regarded as a circulating flow of energy and it is related to the Poynting’s
theorem. In other words, the concept of spin for light is due to the fields of
a circularly polarized light wave. Perhaps the section could be concluded by
saying the radiation pressure, linear momentum, and spin angular momentum of
light are all related to the Poynting’s theorem and Quantum physics, however,
the angular momentum of light was not covered during Feynman’s lecture because
of limited time.
Historically, Pauli was uncomfortable with the concept of
spin as a form of angular momentum and famously described the electron’s spin
as “classically indescribable two-valueness.” In
Volume II, Feynman explains: “a circulating momentum means that there is angular momentum. So there is angular momentum in the field. Do you remember the paradox we described in
Section 17–4 about a solenoid and some charges mounted on a disc? It seemed
that when the current turned off, the whole disc should start to turnWhere did the angular momentum come
from? The answer is that if you have a magnetic field and some charges, there
will be some angular momentum in the field. It must have been put there when
the field was built up. When the field is turned off, the angular momentum is
given back. So the disc in the paradox would start
rotating. This mystic circulating flow of energy, which at first seemed
so ridiculous, is absolutely necessary. There is really a momentum flow. It is
needed to maintain the conservation of angular momentum in the whole world (Feynman
et al., 1964, section 27–6 Field momentum).”
Review Questions:
How would you define radiation pressure?
How would you derive the linear momentum of light using radiation pressure?
3. How would you explain a
photon has an angular (spin or orbital?) momentum ±ℏ along the direction
of propagation?
The moral of the lesson: The radiation pressure applied
by an electromagnetic wave (due to momentum transfer) on a perfectly absorbing
surface is equal to intensity
of light (I)/speed of light (c), or simply the field energy density of
the wave.
1. Allen, L.,
Beijersbergen, M. W., Spreeuw, R. J. C., & Woerdman, J. P. (1992). Orbital
angular momentum of light and the transformation of Laguerre-Gaussian laser
modes. Physical review A, 45(11), 8185.
2. Ballantine, K. E., Donegan, J. F.,
& Eastham, P. R. (2016). There are many ways to spin a photon:
Half-quantization of a total optical angular momentum. Science Advances,
2(4), e1501748.
3. de Broglie,
L. (1925). Research on the theory of quanta. In Annales de Physique (Vol.
10, No. 3, pp. 22-128). In Foundation of Louis de
Broglie (English translation by A.F. Kracklauer, 2004. ed.)
4. de Broglie, L. (1929). The wave nature of
the electron. Nobel lecture, 12, 244-256.
5. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M.
(1963). The Feynman Lectures on
Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and heat. Reading,
MA: Addison-Wesley.
6. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., & Sands, M. (1964). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Vol II:
electromagnetism and matter. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
7. Jackson, J. D. (1999). Classical Electrodynamics (3rd ed.). John Wiley & Sons, New York.
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