(Electron’s path / Complex numbers / Electron waves)
In this section, Feynman discusses the
determination of electron’s path, use of
complex numbers, and the interference
of electron waves in the double
slit experiment.
1. Electron’s path:
“Proposition A: Each electron either goes through
hole 1 or it goes through hole 2. … … undoubtedly we
should conclude that Proposition A is false. It is not true
that the electrons go either through hole 1 or
hole 2 (Feynman et
al., 1963, p. 37–6).”
According to Feynman,
the proposition "Each electron either goes through hole 1 or hole 2" is wrong when there is an
interference pattern in the double-slit experiment. This proposition assumes
that the electron follows a single, deterministic path, as if it were a
classical particle. However, the presence of interference pattern implies that
an electron’s path cannot be described by simply stating that it goes through
one hole or the other. In quantum mechanics, the correct description involves a
superposition of possible paths, where the electron’s wavefunction passes both holes
simultaneously. In essence, the classical concept of an electron “either goes through one hole or the other” is inadequate,
as it does not include the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics.
In one of his Messenger lectures, Feynman says, “[i]f you have an apparatus which is
capable of telling which hole the electron goes through (and you can have such
an apparatus), then you can say that it either goes through one hole or the
other. It does; it always is going through one hole or the other — when you
look. But when you have no apparatus to determine through which hole the
thing goes, then you cannot say that it either goes through one hole or the
other. You can always say it - provided you stop thinking
immediately and make no deductions from it. Physicists prefer not to say it,
rather than stop thinking at the moment (Feynman, 1965, p. 144).” In short,
physicists prefer not to say “the electron goes through both holes” when they lack
apparatus that can directly make the observation. However, some may describe the
electron behaves as if it passes through both holes simultaneously, which
results in the interference pattern.
Some might conceptualize that an electron passes through both holes
simultaneously from the perspective of the electron as a quantum field. However, the idea of “passing
through both holes” is applicable to the electron’s wavefunction, but not to a classical
particle. Theoretically, the
wavefunction of the electron passes through both holes simultaneously, but the
interference pattern observed is the result of the superposition of the “probability
waves” emerging from both holes. In the next section, Feynman argues that the proposition
"each electron either goes through hole 1 or hole 2” becomes correct if
someone is watching the electron. The correctness of this proposition depends
on whether the electron’s “path” is determined or remains undisturbed.
Complex numbers:
when we were dealing with classical waves we defined the intensity as the mean
over time of the square of the wave amplitude, and we used complex numbers
as a mathematical trick to simplify the analysis. But in quantum mechanics it
turns out that the amplitudes must be represented by complex
numbers (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 37–6).”
Some might hope for Feynman to provide a geometric
interpretation of complex numbers to justify their use in quantum mechanics. Bohm
(1951), for instance, highlights the imaginary unit i in the Schrödinger
equation, suggesting it as essential to the theory. Similarly, Sakurai (1967)
emphasizes the usefulness of complex numbers in describing spin vectors, and linking
them to the broader framework of Clifford algebra. Others may argue that
complex numbers are well-suited to represent plane trigonometry and rotations
in two dimensions, noting the significance of i in these contexts. Intuitively,
a complex number acts like a rotating clock hand, where multiplying complex
numbers follows a simple rule: “add angles and multiply lengths (distances from
the origin)." Notably, a probability wave is a complex function, and thus
it cannot itself be a probability (Penrose, 2004).
In a Berkeley Symposium, Feynman (1951) clarifies:
“[a] more accurate equation valid for electrons of velocity arbitrarily close
to the velocity of light is the Dirac Equation. In this case the probability
amplitude is a kind of hypercomplex number (p. 539).” A hypercomplex number refers to an
extension of complex numbers, where numbers have more than two components. Among
the most common types of hypercomplex numbers are quaternions, which extend
complex numbers to four dimensions, represented as a + bi + cj + dk,
where i, j, k are imaginary units (Ö-1) with specific rules. Some may prefer Clifford
or geometric algebra—a broader framework encompassing numbers with finite
dimensional components—which is also used in neural networks and theoretical
The question “Why is quantum physics
based on complex numbers?” could be misleading. To begin with, the term complex
number could be a misnomer; some might prefer “orthogonal number” to
emphasize its component perpendicular to the real axis on the complex plane.
Second, p-adic numbers—an extension of the rational numbers with a fractal-like
structure—are arguably even more complex than complex numbers. Applications of
p-adic numbers include not only quantum mechanics and quantum chaos but also
extend to complex systems like spin glasses (Vladimirov et al., 1994). This suggests that complex numbers may
not be strictly necessary for quantum mechanics, allowing for alternative
mathematical frameworks.
Electron waves:
“The electrons arrive in lumps, like particles, and the probability of
arrival of these lumps is distributed like the distribution of intensity of a
wave. It is in this sense that an electron behaves ‘sometimes like a particle
and sometimes like a wave’ (Feynman et al., 1963, p. 37–6).”
In his Messenger lecture, Feynman (1965) included a
summary for the three different double slit experiments (as shown below). Importantly, electrons exhibit both particle and wave
properties within the interference pattern. The wave behavior is evident in the
interference pattern, which shows regions of constructive and destructive
interference. The particle behavior, on the other hand, is observed as
localized impacts or “lumps” where individual electrons hit the screen. This
dual behavior distinguishes the electron double-slit experiment from the
double-slit experiment with water waves, which shows purely wave properties,
and from the double-slit experiment with bullets, which shows only particle properties.
In this context, it could be misleading to say that “an electron behaves
sometimes like a particle and sometimes like a wave.” Instead, one may describe
the electron as guided by probability waves and interacting with the screen as
a particle, reflecting the fundamental quantum nature that unifies both aspects
within the same experiment.
![]() |
Source: (Feynman, 1965, p. 139) |
Some physicists might question the title of this section, “The
interference of electron waves,” by citing Dirac’s (1958) dictum on
interference: “Each photon interferes only with itself. Interference between
different photons never occurs.” However, Glauber (1995) explains, “[t]he things that
interfere in quantum mechanics are not particles. They are probability
amplitudes for certain events. It is the fact that probability amplitudes add
up like complex numbers that is responsible for all quantum mechanical
interferences.” In this view,
interference does not occur between particles themselves but between the
probability amplitudes for the possible paths. Interestingly, photons of different colors
(different energies) emitted one at a time would have different wavelengths,
resulting in different interference patterns. Similarly, the interference
pattern for single-electrons can vary depending on their energy (or wavelength).
How would you explain the proposition “Each electron either goes
through hole 1 or hole 2” in the context of double slit experiment?
Why is quantum mechanics
based on complex numbers?
How would you explain the interference pattern of double slit experiment
involving electrons (due to the interference of electron waves?)?
moral of the lesson: the probability amplitude (or probability wave) of each
photon interferes with itself based on its possible paths, and the interference
pattern shows both particle-like and wave-like properties
at the same time.
1. Bohm, D. (1951). Quantum Theory.
New York: Prentice-Hall.
2. Dirac, P. (1958). Quantum mechanics. 4th edition. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
3. Feynman, R. P. (1951).
The concept of probability in quantum mechanics. In Proceedings of the
Second Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability (Vol.
2, pp. 533-542). California: University of California Press.
4. Feynman, R. P. (1965). The character of physical law.
Cambridge: MIT Press.
5. Feynman, R. P., Leighton, R. B., &
Sands, M. (1963). The Feynman
Lectures on Physics, Vol I: Mainly mechanics, radiation, and
heat. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
6. Glauber, R. J.
(1995). Dirac’s famous dictum on interference: one photon or two?. American
Journal of Physics, 63(1), 12-12.
7. Penrose, R. (2006). The road to reality.
London: Random house.
8. Sakurai, J. J. (1967). Advanced quantum
mechanics. Boston: Addison-Wesley.
9. Vladimirov, V. S.,
Volovich, I. V., & Zelenov, E. I. (1994). p-adic Analysis and
Mathematical Physics (Vol. 1). Singapore: World Scientific.
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